Friday, December 29, 2006

What I Learned this Christmas

God is so good. Friday, December 22, I went out with my lovely wife to celebrate our 9th anniversary. It was a great time. We went and saw The Nativity movie out at Jordan Creek Town Center in Des Moines. I really enjoyed it, I was happy to find Christian Hedonism in the movie. Joseph, after the angel came to him, decided to give up the entire honor he had in Nazareth and take Mary as his wife, even though she conceived before the betrothal period was finished. Nothing else mattered to Him, except doing what God wanted him to do. Joseph gave it all up because he knew that God would satisfy. Little did I know at that time that God was going to test me in being satisfied only in Him soon.

My wife and I enjoyed a wonderful dinner and headed home. We had many plans for the holiday weekend with her family and I was looking forward to being home with my family. That night, it happened. I got really sick in the middle of the night. I don’t know if it was something I ate or just the flu, but it hit hard. I was in bed all day Saturday and most of Sunday. I did not get my appetite back until just recently, but it gets worse. We as a family went to spend the night Christmas Eve at my in-laws in Huxley. As we are all settling in for the evening, my little 15 month old boy gets sick and vomits three times during the night. I remember praying through the night that God would give us all grace the next day, so that we could enjoy celebrating Jesus’ birth together. Remember, God is good all the time.

Christmas finally arrived and to my amazement I was felling better than I had all weekend long. Also, my son was excited and back to normal. It is amazing how God watches over us and cares for us. Throughout my experience, I learned that God satisfies us even when our physical bodies do not work right. God answered many of my prayers over this past weekend and I give Him all the glory. He continues to use circumstances and His Word to teach me so much about how sufficient His grace is. I praise Him for the trial. To God be the Glory. Also, I am looking forward to eating Christmas goodies now that I am feeling better. I have to make up for the lost days this past weekend.


Mrs.A said...

Sorry to hear you and your little guy were sick. I'm glad, though, that your wife didn't catch the flu from you. She doesn't need it. God was gracious to keep her from sickness and to keep you from succumbing until after school let out, yet be feeling better by Christmas day. His timing is always right.

Enjoy all the holiday treats, especially the ones from the students. I took most of mine to church on Sunday - I don't need the calories!

See you sometime next week. In the meantime, stop by my blog occasionally and let me know you were there.

CEDGIE said...

so mr.n thats to bad man but hey God is good all the time. and all the time God is good. hey i have a new blog up and running go to it it has a great story. its. so yeah see ya. CJ

heidi said...

Wow!!! What can we learn by this?
God tests us in many ways!!! God had so much grace that your wife didnt get sick! I hope you keep getting better!!!
In Christ,

heidi said...

This reminds me ... I did a nativity story post on my blog!!!

CEDGIE said...

yeah my grandma is not to great. she has changed alot since i saw her from last summer. she is wheel chair bound. she cant walk very much like 10 steps and she is winded. she didnt know who we were at all.she is very restless. she keeps moving her legs. she is depressed. she cries like every ten mihutes because she doesnt know where she is and she wants to go home. we give her like a stuffed animal or doll and that seems to calm her down a little. she talks to invisble people who we cant see but she probably sees them. she has a feeding tube. idk i just feel like its almost "torturing" her so to speak because like she just cant function because she doesnt know where she is or who anybody is and wants to go home. So it would be better off if she just passed away. Because she would be perfectg in Heaven. so there is an up date on my grandma. so i guess pray for whatever God wills it. CJ

Mrs.A said...


Even in her disability, Grandma still has a ministry -- that's why God allows her to remain here a little longer. She is ministering two important lessons to you right now:

1). She is teaching you compassion, which you obviously are learning as it shows in how you care for her and speak of her

2). She is teaching you through her restlessness and confusion about where "home" is that this world is not your home and that you should not get used to feeling comfortable here. She will be "right" and "comfortable" again when she finally does get home!

I will keep praying for her and the rest of your family.