for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Yesterday, Sunday, January 21, 2007 was Sanctity of Life Day. This topic is one that is close to my heart for a number of reasons. As I was driving home from school today, I heard some staggering statistics; such as 3,000 abortions are performed everyday and that in
To give you some perspective on these numbers, remember September 11, 2001, the worst terrorist attack on
I don’t buy that, because Christ had some very important words that He spoke about children in Matthew 19:13-14, "Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’" God values life and anyone who has seen the miracle of a heart beating in the womb at six weeks would say that that is LIFE.
I am so thankful that there are organizations that are pro-life and a President that is strongly pro-life. However, I believe that Christians need to stop wavering on this issue and take a strong Biblical stand against abortion. In a book from Focus on the Family, Answering the Call (2003), John Ensor points out that one in six abortions are done on women identifying themselves as "born again" Christians... When he was a pastor in
As a teacher, I enjoyed a nice two week break over the Holiday Season. During that break, I had the great opportunity of teaching an adult Sunday school class about prayer from the book Desiring God, by John Piper. As I prepared and presented the lesson, I was convicted about how much I need to get back to a consistent prayer life. I also was convicted about prayer in my ministry at school. I decided that it was time to get back into the habit of praying on a more consistent basis.
Little did I know what God had just around the corner for me. A colleague of mine gave me a book entitled, The Green Letters by Miles Stanford. The book talks about how we as Christians need to put more of an emphasis on focusing on what Christ already accomplished for us versus focusing on what I can do for Christ. It is all about Him, and not about us. As I read that book I came to a chapter entitled “Help.” I was stopped dead in my tracks when I read the first sentence, “It is time to stop asking God for help. He didn’t help us to be saved, and He doesn’t intend to help us live the Christian life. Immaturity considers the Lord Jesus a Helper. Maturity knows Him to be Life itself.” The verses that He points out are Philippians 1:21 and Philippians 4:13a. Wm. R. Newell said, “Satan’s great device is to drive earnest souls back to beseeching God for what God says has already been done!” I realized then what he meant by the first statement about “help” was that God has already given us everything that we need for this life and godliness in Jesus Christ and that asking for help is asking God to do things He already has accomplished for me through Christ.
This makes a lot of since, considering what I taught in Sunday School. “So we see repeatedly in Scripture that prayer is a walkie-talkie for warfare, not a domestic intercom for increasing our conveniences.” (John Piper) The majority of the time when I ask God for help it is as if prayer is a domestic intercom and not a walkie-talkie for warfare.” All of the sudden prayer is really hard for me. I think that it should be hard for every believer to pray. Words in our pathetic English language are not adequate for the Almighty God.
I challenge anyone who is reading this post, to look at the spiritually mature believers in Scripture (Jesus and Paul) and pay attention to how they prayed. They did not ask for help. They were much more specific and had a warfare mindset. Now I know that there were people in Scripture who prayed for help, which tells me it is not wrong. It is good to pray for help. But the best way to pray is not for help. Those who prayed for help in the Bible, were number one, part of a different dispensation, or two, spiritually immature.
I will leave you with this thought, How much more effective could God be through you this year, if you did not pray for help, but prayed the way Jesus and Paul did in Scripture?